Public Hearing: 1.37 foot south side yard setback and 4.12 front yard setback variances at 4236 Scott Terrace

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This variance was approved 6-0 at the Planning Commission meeting on May 26, 2021.

The subject property is located on the west side of Scott Terrace consisting of a one-story rambler with a tuck-under two car garage. The homeowners are requesting a 1.37-foot south side yard setback and a 4.12-foot front yard setback variance to add a second floor to the nonconforming first floor. The existing home is nonconforming regarding both south side and east front yard setback. The owner’s intent is to extend up above the nonconforming first floor to provide addition living space. The project complies with all other zoning ordinance requirements.

This variance was approved 6-0 at the Planning Commission meeting on May 26, 2021.

The subject property is located on the west side of Scott Terrace consisting of a one-story rambler with a tuck-under two car garage. The homeowners are requesting a 1.37-foot south side yard setback and a 4.12-foot front yard setback variance to add a second floor to the nonconforming first floor. The existing home is nonconforming regarding both south side and east front yard setback. The owner’s intent is to extend up above the nonconforming first floor to provide addition living space. The project complies with all other zoning ordinance requirements.

Page last updated: 27 May 2021, 06:03 AM