Public Hearing: a 7.8-foot side yard/side street setback variance from the required 33.1-foot setback for a teardown-rebuild home to match an existing non-conforming setback at 6612 Arbour Avenue
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This variance was approved 5-0 at the Special Planning Commission meeting on December 30, 2021.
The applicant requested a variance to build a new two-story home with the same existing nonconforming south setback as the current home at 6112 Arbour Ave. The existing home is nonconforming regarding setback from the south lot line along Jeff Place. The project scope includes tearing down the existing nonconforming rambler and replacing it with a 2nd story home. The new home requires a 7.8-foot side street/front yard setback variance from the required 33.1 feet to maintain the existing 25.3 foot south setback. The project will conform to all other zoning ordinance requirements.
This variance was approved 5-0 at the Special Planning Commission meeting on December 30, 2021.
The applicant requested a variance to build a new two-story home with the same existing nonconforming south setback as the current home at 6112 Arbour Ave. The existing home is nonconforming regarding setback from the south lot line along Jeff Place. The project scope includes tearing down the existing nonconforming rambler and replacing it with a 2nd story home. The new home requires a 7.8-foot side street/front yard setback variance from the required 33.1 feet to maintain the existing 25.3 foot south setback. The project will conform to all other zoning ordinance requirements.