Affordable Housing - Zoning Ordinance Amendment

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This was approved at City Council on February 21, 2023. The 2nd reading was waived.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding multi-family housing allowed in the Planned Commercial Zoning District. The Ordinance amendment simply revises Section 36-612 of the Edina City Code to be consistent with the City’s recently revised affordable housing policy.

The draft ordinance and the city’s affordable housing policy are listed under "documents."

This was approved at City Council on February 21, 2023. The 2nd reading was waived.

Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding multi-family housing allowed in the Planned Commercial Zoning District. The Ordinance amendment simply revises Section 36-612 of the Edina City Code to be consistent with the City’s recently revised affordable housing policy.

The draft ordinance and the city’s affordable housing policy are listed under "documents."

Page last updated: 22 Feb 2023, 08:19 AM