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The Edina City Council approved a zoning change to enable the Fire Station 2 project to advance on Oct. 3, 2023.
The City of Edina is proposing to tear down the existing 102,000 square foot building at 4401 76th Street to construct a new 36,000 square foot Fire Station. The building would provide operational space for the Edina Fire Department and Community Health Department. The request requires an Ordinance Amendment to Section 36-640 of the City Code to allow publicly owned and operated civic and cultural institutions, including but not limited to administrative offices, libraries, public safety buildings and places of assembly as a principal use In the PID, Planned Industrial District. Currently these types of uses are allowed by conditional use in the R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. Also requested is a site plan review and variances from Chapter 36 regarding signage in the PID zoning district, first floor building height, and building transparency on the first level facing the public realm.
The Edina City Council approved a zoning change to enable the Fire Station 2 project to advance on Oct. 3, 2023.
The City of Edina is proposing to tear down the existing 102,000 square foot building at 4401 76th Street to construct a new 36,000 square foot Fire Station. The building would provide operational space for the Edina Fire Department and Community Health Department. The request requires an Ordinance Amendment to Section 36-640 of the City Code to allow publicly owned and operated civic and cultural institutions, including but not limited to administrative offices, libraries, public safety buildings and places of assembly as a principal use In the PID, Planned Industrial District. Currently these types of uses are allowed by conditional use in the R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. Also requested is a site plan review and variances from Chapter 36 regarding signage in the PID zoning district, first floor building height, and building transparency on the first level facing the public realm.