Free Internet

The City of Edina is sponsoring free high speed internet to households with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars.  Eligible households will be able to set up reliable, in-home internet service through the Comcast Internet Essentials Program at no cost through December 2026 or when all funding has been spent, whichever occurs first. 

Residents that meet all of the following criteria may qualify for this program.

  • You must live in the City of Edina
  • You must be 18 years of age or older
  • Your annual household income must be lower than the defined limits (based on number of people living together)                                                  
Number of People in HouseholdAnnual Household Income Limit

Additional information may be required to determine eligibility. 

NOTE: All residents currently living in affordable housing units in the City are eligible.

0% answered

Applicant Information

The following information is required to determine program eligibility. 

Maximum 255 characters


If you do not have an email address, please contact City staff at 952-833-9578.

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Edina, MN

Privacy Notice

The following information requested by the City of Edina shall assist in determining general trends and aggregate reporting information about collective program participants. The City shall not disclose any non-public information about an individual unless it is required by court order or auditor. The City intends to share information about the general impacts of the American Rescue Plan Act dollars that are being used to fund this program and about collective efforts to support fair and equal programs and services. You are not legally required to provide the following information and may refuse to do so. However, If the following information is not provided, your eligibility for the City of Edina Free Internet Program may be impacted.   

Maximum 255 characters



Do you rent or own your home?

* required
Select option


In which category is your age?

* required

Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older?

* required

Do any children 17 or under live in your household?

* required

Please select all races represented in your home.

* required

Do you speak a language other than English at home?

* required

Are you, or is anyone in your home, Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino?

* required

Do you currently have home internet from Comcast?

* required
Already having Comcast home internet does not impact your eligibility for the City of Edina Free Internet.

I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years old and the information I have provided above is true and accurate and that any false information will make me ineligible for this program. 

* required