Green Business Outreach Program

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Has your business implemented green practices like waste reduction, water conservation or renewable energy? Be recognized for your efforts!

The City of Edina's Green Business Outreach Program (GBOP) celebrates green and sustainable actions promoted by local business. Edina's resident Energy & Environment Commission manages this program.

Businesses of all types are encouraged to apply. Businesses earn points for taking green actions within their daily operations in the areas of solid waste, recycling, purchasing, energy use, landscaping and water conservation, transportation and more. Businesses can earn recognition as a gold, silver or bronze Green Business.

Businesses that are interested in joining the program can apply annually, between Earth Day and mid-June for a July 4 recognition kickoff. Starting in 2023, already recognized businesses will need to renew their status every 2 years to continue to be recognized by completing the "renewal" application form (e.g., a business that was recognized in 2021 should renew in 2023).

The 2024 application period has closed. Any applications received after June 17, 2024 will be considered for 2025 recognition.

Has your business implemented green practices like waste reduction, water conservation or renewable energy? Be recognized for your efforts!

The City of Edina's Green Business Outreach Program (GBOP) celebrates green and sustainable actions promoted by local business. Edina's resident Energy & Environment Commission manages this program.

Businesses of all types are encouraged to apply. Businesses earn points for taking green actions within their daily operations in the areas of solid waste, recycling, purchasing, energy use, landscaping and water conservation, transportation and more. Businesses can earn recognition as a gold, silver or bronze Green Business.

Businesses that are interested in joining the program can apply annually, between Earth Day and mid-June for a July 4 recognition kickoff. Starting in 2023, already recognized businesses will need to renew their status every 2 years to continue to be recognized by completing the "renewal" application form (e.g., a business that was recognized in 2021 should renew in 2023).

The 2024 application period has closed. Any applications received after June 17, 2024 will be considered for 2025 recognition.

  • The GBOP Application for New Businesses lists various actions that businesses can take to work towards and achieve sustainability. 

    This application was created for the many diverse types of businesses in Edina. Some categories/actions either may not be applicable or your business may not have control to implement depending if you are a property owner, management company, or tenant. Tenants, property managers or owners are invited to apply.  

    Complete the application by checking ONE of the three boxes that correspond to the action that you are currently doing as follows:

    • YES, that action has been taken or policy already in place; 
    • NO, that action has not yet been taken; or 
    • N/A, that action does not apply to my business

    Scores will be tabulated based on the percentage of actions a business has taken compared to the total possible actions that apply for the business, so please continue to the end even if you feel you are unable to implement many of the actions listed. Businesses can earn either Bronze, Silver, or Gold recognition. Businesses will be notified of their recognition status in July via email and letter. 

    Complete Application
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  • The GBOP Application for Renewal is for businesses who are interested in renewing their participation in the GBOP. The application asks businesses to share more about new sustainability initiatives they've started since first being recognized. Businesses are encouraged to share more about changes they've seen in their businesses, including metrics to measure the impact of their sustainability initiatives. 

    Businesses who apply for renewal can continue to be recognized at the same level, or earn a new level of recognition, based on their responses. Businesses will be notified of their recognition status in July via email and letter.

    Complete Application
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Page last updated: 05 Jul 2024, 11:56 AM