Public Hearing: 4528 France Avenue, Front Yard Setback Variance for ATM Canopy
The applicant is requesting a 23.5-foot front yard setback variance to allow for a canopy structure with signage above an existing ATM and drive-up banking chute at Gateway Bank at 4528 France Avenue.
All comments are reviewed by the governing body to gain insight into community perspective and values. This information in addition to other factors like legal requirements, infrastructure needs, long-term strategy, cost, etc help inform the decision. The feedback collected is not considered a "vote".
Everyone has the right to share their opinions and comments on the related project. While individuals may have varying opinions, respect each person's experience and insight.
Comments are considered part of the public record. When making a comment:
- provide your full name
- let us know your relation to the project (i.e. physical address, neighborhood, visit the area often, etc)
- respect the views of other participants even if they don't agree with you