Sustainable Buildings Policy Proposal

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Consultation has concluded

The Edina Sustainable Building Policy will help Edina meet its greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, help new construction realize cost savings in the short and long term, and support the City's goal to create a livable city where everyone can thrive.

Cities throughout Minnesota seek to improve public health, environmental justice, and environmental and economic sustainability. Many cities are taking advantage of building-related strategies to reduce carbon emissions and waste, protect natural resources, and lower stormwater runoff. With a sustainable building policy, cities can use public financing and their authority over land use to make meaningful progress toward achieving their sustainability goals.

The Edina Sustainable Building Policy proposes to require sustainability components beyond existing code for developments receiving financial and planning incentives from the City. The requirements include complying with one sustainability rating system, which is selected from a list, as well as with an Edina-specific overlay. The overlay targets specific sustainability strategies that align with existing Edina goals and are not necessarily covered by all rating system options.

The Edina Sustainable Building Policy will help Edina meet its greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, help new construction realize cost savings in the short and long term, and support the City's goal to create a livable city where everyone can thrive.

Cities throughout Minnesota seek to improve public health, environmental justice, and environmental and economic sustainability. Many cities are taking advantage of building-related strategies to reduce carbon emissions and waste, protect natural resources, and lower stormwater runoff. With a sustainable building policy, cities can use public financing and their authority over land use to make meaningful progress toward achieving their sustainability goals.

The Edina Sustainable Building Policy proposes to require sustainability components beyond existing code for developments receiving financial and planning incentives from the City. The requirements include complying with one sustainability rating system, which is selected from a list, as well as with an Edina-specific overlay. The overlay targets specific sustainability strategies that align with existing Edina goals and are not necessarily covered by all rating system options.

Consultation has concluded
  • City Council approves Sustainable Buildings Policy

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    The City Council approved a Sustainable Buildings Policy on Tuesday, November 16, 2021. The new policy will take effect on April 1, 2022. To review the new policy, please check the "Documents" section of this project site.

  • View Edina Sustainable Buildings Policy Presentation

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    The City of Edina held two roundtable discussions with representatives from the development community to present the proposed Sustainable Buildings Policy. Check out the presentation portion of these roundtables in the "Videos" widget on the right-hand side of this project site.

  • Join a community information session to learn more about Edina's proposed Sustainable Buildings Policy

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    All Edina community members are invited to register for this presentation about a sustainable building policy with City of Edina staff and consultants from the Center for Energy and Environment. Staff and consultants will be available to answer your questions.

    When: July 15, 7-8pm
    Where: Online, Zoom
    Registration Link:

    Can't join the July 15th meeting live? The information session will be recorded here and posted for comment after July 15th.

  • What is a Sustainable Buildings Policy?

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    Achieving Sustainability in the Built Environment

    Cities throughout Minnesota seek to improve public health, environmental justice, and environmental and economic sustainability. Many cities are taking advantage of building-related strategies to reduce carbon emissions and waste, protect natural resources, and mitigate stormwater runoff. With a sustainable building policy, cities can use public financing and their authority over land use to make meaningful progress toward achieving their sustainability goals.

    Leveraging financial incentives and authority over land use, a sustainable building policy establishes minimum sustainability criteria that go beyond existing state code for new construction and redevelopment. Included sustainability criteria typically target reducing pollution and conserving resources. This policy would be voluntary for developments not seeking financial incentives or land use changes.

    What are the Benefits?

    • Ensures new construction is on the forefront of efficient building construction.
    • Improves Edina’s building stock with healthy and sustainable buildings.
    • Creates demand for sustainability in the property market.
    • Supports Edina’s goal to reduce carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050.

    Proposed Framework

    The proposed sustainable building policy would apply to new construction and redevelopment projects that receive public financing and planned unit development approval. The policy would be structured to give developers the power to choose their preferred third-party rating system based on building type as well as their expertise and experience. The policy would also include additional sustainability requirements for electric vehicle charging and predicted greenhouse gas emissions to help the City meet its carbon reduction goals.

    Resources through Hennepin County

    Hennepin County Efficient Buildings Collaborative provides cities with a platform of shared resources to lower costs and exchange best practices. The County is currently undergoing a competitive RFP process to hire a vendor to provide education, technical resources, and compliance assistance. Upon policy passage and joint powers agreement approval, the City of Edina and developers will have access to the selected vendor. It is important to the City that the appropriate technical resources are available for successful sustainable building construction.

    Joining Sustainability and Climate Leaders

    Edina will be joining six cities with a formal sustainable building policy, along with another that is in the process of creating its own policy. The Cities of Saint Paul and St. Louis Park have been implementing their policies for more than 10 years, providing multiple local examples of successful policy implementation.

    Proposed Policy Details

    Policy Triggers

    Projects that receive the following incentives would “trigger” or necessitate compliance of the policy:

    • Planned Unit Developments (PUD)
    • Housing & Redevelopment Funds
    • Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
    • Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Act
    • Housing Improvement Area and Affordable Housing Trust Fund
    • Conduit Bonds

    Sustainable Rating Systems

    Developers would select from the following third-party rating systems to adhere to the policy:

    • LEED
    • B3 Guidelines
    • Green Star Homes
    • Green Communities
    • Park Smart

    Edina Overlay

    Developers would also be subject to an Edina-specific Overlay, which aligns with established goals.

    • Electric vehicle charging
    • Predicted greenhouse gas emissions


    City Council will receive the proposed policy in Fall 2021; the policy is expected to come into effect in mid-2022.

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