Key Dates
Construction Begins
Grading and storm sewer work will begin in September and last approximately 2 months.
Construction Bid Award
A contract is awarded by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board of Managers following a competitive open bid process.
City Council Decision on Cooperative Agreement
City Council will consider approving a cooperative agreement which describes how the City and Watershed District will work together to construct and maintain the project.
Watershed District Board Board Meeting - project update
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board will receive a project update from staff during their regular monthly meeting
Watershed District Public Hearing
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District will hold a public hearing on the proposed project at its March 3rd, 2022 meeting. The public is invited to speak to the District Board.
Meeting information is available at
City Council Decision
Staff will make a recommendation and City Council will make a decision.
Community Meeting (in-person)
Date yet to be determined.
Initial concepts will be shared.
Meeting will be held in-person with opportunities to participate online.
Open House
Join us for an open house in the park to meet the project team, ask questions, and share your stories.
We'll be following CDC and MN Department of Health protocols to slow the spread of COVID-19 including wearing masks and physically distancing.
Alternatively, you can participate online by completing the survey, submitting a question, or placing a pin on the map.