6016 Vernon Ave. S., GreenDrop Charitable Donations
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On December 19, 2023 City Council denied the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Ordinance amendment and Site Plan for 6016 Vernon Ave.
Ron Dee on behalf of GreenDrop Charitable Donations is proposing to remodel the existing Kee’s auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue into charitable donation center which would accept donations on behalf of Disabled American Veterans. The GreenDrop donation office would accept donations of gently used clothing, shoes, and household goods. GreenDrop has 61 locations across the country. This office is proposed to be open from 10 am to 6 pm seven days a week, 363 days per year. They would be closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two employees would be on the site during business hours. The existing site is zoned PCD-4, Planned Commercial District, which allows only automobile service centers, gas stations and car washes.
To accommodate the request the following is required:
A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Service. (This would establish a new Land Use Category in the Comprehensive Plan.)
A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to allow the proposed use in the existing PCD-4 Zoning District.
Site Plan Review
On December 19, 2023 City Council denied the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Ordinance amendment and Site Plan for 6016 Vernon Ave.
Ron Dee on behalf of GreenDrop Charitable Donations is proposing to remodel the existing Kee’s auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue into charitable donation center which would accept donations on behalf of Disabled American Veterans. The GreenDrop donation office would accept donations of gently used clothing, shoes, and household goods. GreenDrop has 61 locations across the country. This office is proposed to be open from 10 am to 6 pm seven days a week, 363 days per year. They would be closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two employees would be on the site during business hours. The existing site is zoned PCD-4, Planned Commercial District, which allows only automobile service centers, gas stations and car washes.
To accommodate the request the following is required:
A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Service. (This would establish a new Land Use Category in the Comprehensive Plan.)
A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to allow the proposed use in the existing PCD-4 Zoning District.
The City of Edina offers several ways for people to provide input on development projects. Regardless of the method, all public input is considered, so people need to use only one method.
Instructions for leaving a public comment below:
Your comment will be available to Planning Commission, City Council, staff and others to review immediately instead of waiting until the public hearing.
Your comment will be posted and publicly viewable as soon as you hit 'Submit'.
You will not be able to edit or remove your comment.
Please introduce yourself, your neighborhood and your thoughts about this project. Example: Barbara Smith, The Heights. The project is two blocks from my home and my children would have to walk past it every day on their way to school. Please consider adding sidewalks to this project.
Other ways to provide comment:
1 - Leave a voicemail with your public input at 952-826-0377. Staff will submit the transcribed voicemail to Better Together Edina. (Available once project application is submitted)
2 - Two public hearings will take place for each development project in the City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50th St. Attend the meetings in person to give public input or watch the meetings live from home on Edina TV (Comcast Channels 813 or 16), Facebook or EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings. Call in to provide live testimony at 786-496-5601. Call in Conference PINs are provided in the meeting agenda which can be found at EdinaMN.gov/Agendas.
Generally, the City Council makes a decision on each development project at the City Council meeting following the second public hearing.
If you have any difficulties with participating, contact Community Engagement Manager, MJ Lamon at MLamon@EdinaMN.gov or 952-826-0360.
Public input closed on December 10, 2023. This item is on the December 19, 2023 City Council agenda.
I feel like this is something that no side of the coin actually wants but I also feel like there are no downsides to this proposal. Therefore it seems perfect to me. At least we won't have to look at a dilapidated bright yellow building and falling down fence every time we drive down Vernon.
over 1 year ago
My name is Matt, and I recently bought a property a short distance from the proposed site. I like the residential character of the neighborhood and enjoy no businesses in the vicinity. I don't think this donation center would fit in or be highly utilized. The site doesn't mesh with how the neighborhood has developed and I'd prefer it an empty lot or some trees planted there.
Matt A
over 1 year ago
My name is Don Terwilliger. My wife Carolyn and I have lived in the "Village" of Edina since 1962, and have always respected the Cities thorough and thoughtful way of recognizing the needs of "Our Town" as it has grown. But right now we are questioning the thinking behind putting in a "'Used Goods"' drop off facility in a residential neighborhood.
To be very clear, we think this is a terrible idea that needs to be scuttled right now! We cannot imagine the council going along with such a plan!
We live just across the street and down a block or so on Vernon Lane. There are many beautiful homes in this area and the people who live in this neighborhood have bought here because it is a lovely, quiet residential community! Why would this council even consider putting a "Drop-off" in the center of such a well cared for neighborhood.
The Gas Station that was built there, some 70 plus years ago, when it was outside the residential community of Edina, does not fit into that property today. That was the old Hwy 169 , back when it was built, and on the edge of town. But in recent years, it is obvious that the building has been an eye sore. There has to be other sites in the metro area to choose from, that would fit the needs of what they are proposing.
That being said, ... we see no reason this has to be zoned as it is now, when it would make so much more sense to rezone this property to residential/multi housing and develop it into an attractive multi unit structure, similar to what has been built recently on other small neighborhood parcels of land in Edina.
We trust that the city planning committee and city council will reject the use of this parcel of land in our neighborhood as a drop-off center, which will unquestionably lower the value of all our homes! And that is a big concern to all of us property owners!
Our opinion: The building is a relic, a disgrace to the City and needs to be demolished and something new and attractive should take it's place! (Document submitted to Planning Division staff 11/9/23)
Liz Olson
over 1 year ago
This is Shirley Vucenich and I live at 5818 Vernon Lane. I'm totally opposed to the drop off center being in our neighborhood. Thank you very much. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/9/23 at 9:05 AM)
Liz Olson
over 1 year ago
This is Mo Vucenich at 5818 Vernon Lane. I'm calling to voice my disapproval of putting that green store in on the old Kevin Keys situation. It's a residential neighborhood and I have something that's gonna turn out to be a circus I think is a huge mistake. Thank you. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/8/23 at 11:52 AM)
Liz Olson
over 1 year ago
Hi my name is Archana Dalal and I live at 5822 Vernon Lane in Edina. I would not like to have a donation center in front of the house which is open 365 days in a year which is open almost every day and are would vote against that. I would definitely not like to have what have a commercial drop off for that the Kees Auto location. I am really concerned about having any commercial business in our neighborhood with this whole neighborhood being very family oriented. So thank you and hopefully my voice is been heard. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 2:20 PM)
Liz Olson
over 1 year ago
We are about half a block from this proposed project and do not see how adding a GreenDrop Donation Center will bring any value to the neighborhood. If you stop by any nearby Goodwill on a Saturday or Sunday morning, the line of cars to donate goods is 8+ deep. There is not room on the existing property to handle this kind of traffic without it backing up onto Vernon Ave or a nearby street. This type of facility is generally located closer to main highways with access to larger parking lots or land to handle the traffic.
While the idea of a Neighborhood Service land use category sounds appealing, we are eager to see a definition of that and what falls under "neighborhood service". I am not opposed to a business on this site, however a restaurant or cafe serves a better purpose when it comes to walkability and bringing the community together. No one is walking to a donation center, so those who were concerned about traffic and parking have a more legitimate concern with that be an issue with this business.
We urge the city council to vote against this proposal as it does not serve the nearby neighborhood.
over 1 year ago
This is the worst idea ever!!! You had your chance at beautifying and elevating the character of the neighborhood with the restaurant idea. To my knowledge the majority of the neighborhood wanted the restaurant, but a small few did not primarily because of parking concerns. If I am wrong and the restaurant was put to a vote I want to know who voted and what the count was because I think the judgement was unfair in that you did not do what the majority of homeowners in the area wanted. This cannot be a horrible idea that goes forward because a few think it best. It is not. This eye-sore will degrade the neighborhood, send property values down, and literally literally junk to the area. I hope the city council does their job by honestly and fairly recording this vote. We did not build an expensive home 23 years ago to have one ugly building be replaced by a brand new uglier building.
Carla Young
over 1 year ago
My name is Ronald Webber. My address is 5821 Vernon Lane in Edina. I'm calling in regards with the notice of public hearing for the Kee’s auto body repair at 6016 Vernon Avenue. My comments are that this property should remain as solely as a medium density residential location. This Edina family neighborhood does not need this type of neighborhood donation Center. There will be an increase in the general traffic flow with limited parking, concerns about being open seven days a week, concerns with associated commercial business noise will be very disruptive to our nearby family properties. The high traffic volume using this commercial drop off business service address will definitely devalue all nearby and residential properties. This proposed charitable donation center would be better located adjacent to other businesses that can accommodate traffic flow that provide short term parking. It should not be a stand alone commercial business in an established and developed family neighborhood. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 2:04 PM)
Liz Olson
over 1 year ago
My name is Laurice Wyler and I live at 5827 Vernon Lane, approximately half a block from what was the Kevin Kees Auto Repair little shop. and I am really, really opposed to GreenDrop coming in on Vernon Avenue. I feel like it is not a good fit. I feel like there's so much empty office space where it would be much more advantageous to drop things off. I don't like the idea of people, like probably after hours, dropping mattresses on Vernon Avenue and leaving things. The pictures look so nice with the green building but I think people dropping all kinds of things off at all different hours is just not a good fit for Vernon Avenue first of all and for a residential neighborhood more importantly. It is a for-profit and it sounds green but it’s not. It is a for-profit company and there are no locations in Minnesota. Why would they choose the residential area even though it looks cute and it was an old gas station back in the day. There are so many empty spaces all over the city of Edina where it could have much easier access. Most of their locations, as I looked on their website, are by Costcos, Walmarts, and other industrial commercial areas. That is where I feel like this GreenDrop belongs. It doesn’t belong in a residential area, especially half a block from where we all live. Thank you. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 11:08 AM)
Liz Olson
over 1 year ago
This is a message for City Council from Betsy Cussler. I live at 5825 Vernon Lane which is virtually across the street from the lot being considered for a drop off site at 6016 Vernon Avenue. I feel that the proposed use at this site would generate far too much traffic along Vernon Avenue which is already a very busy artery with cars coming along at great speeds and if people were turning into and out of that it could become dangerous and I think we would have accidents and possibly even people hurt. Secondly, I just don't think it's an appropriate use in the middle of a residential neighborhood for this kind of a commercial business. I think it would be de-value the property in the in the neighborhood. So I would urge the city council to vote against this petition to rezone it for this kind of commercial use. I think businesses like this are much better put in some sort of shopping area where there is a large amount of parking so that people can go from their car to the center and so on. Thank you so much. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 3:16 PM)
Liz Olson
over 1 year ago
We live a bowling ball throw away from the site. I continue to support residential on this site as the best long-term option that fits the character of the neighborhood. Towards that goal, I am anxious to see in writing exactly how this Neighborhood Service land use category is defined, and specifically how narrowly it constrains the use of the site.
As for Green Drop, I did attend their public meeting. If they deliver on their commitments , then I believe it would not negatively impact the character of the immediate neighborhood. I suggest that the conditions of use written into the variance includes: - Maintain a fence in good working order on the west and north side, with access to the site only from Vernon. - Truck loading from the parking lot only, and no trucks on the site overnight. - No pods or other temporary, outdoor storage allowed on the property + limit to one dumpster. - No cars stacking up on Vernon Ave.
over 1 year ago
I'm writing to express my thoughts on the proposed variance to allow a charitable donation center in our neighborhood. While I understand the donation center would serve an important purpose, I have concerns that it will not contribute to the vibrancy and sense of community in our area. Unlike a business such as a cafe, the donation center is unlikely to generate consistent foot traffic or provide a gathering place for residents to connect. While people may come to drop off donations, they likely won't be walking to the center or spending time in the neighborhood around it.
My biggest concern with the property is that someone could propose a car wash or a modern car repair shop like Jiffy Lube which would be harder to deny with the current zoning. The noise and lack of fit with the neighborhood would be a worst-case scenario.
I know parking is a concern with any new business. However, I believe restrictions could alleviate those worries while still allowing beneficial establishments. With smart parking rules, we could discourage driving and promote more walk-in traffic. This would support the goal of increasing walkability in our neighborhood.
Rather than enhancing walkability and bringing people together, the donation center will simply fulfill a practical need for charitable donations. As we consider variances and new businesses, I hope we can find options that benefit the neighborhood both practically and atmospherically. I would welcome solutions that add to our area's charm, promote foot traffic, and provide social focal points. The donation center, while filling a service need, does not seem to align with those goals for improving our community's sense of place and pedestrian-friendliness. I hope that we can approve variances and businesses that could better achieve those aims.
over 1 year ago
We live in Countryside across Vernon Ave from the subject site. The proposed use does not fit the neighborhood and does not benefit the neighborhood. We are against it.
We loved the previous proposal of a restaurant at this location. There are no restaurants to walk to in this part of Edina and we would enjoy walking to a local restaurant in our neighborhood. From the neighborhood’s perspective, GreenDrop is vastly inferior to the previous restaurant proposal.
We urge the City Council to vote against this proposal which is not in best interests of the neighborhood.
over 1 year ago
This type of proposed use does not fit the neighborhood. If the City of Edina is being asked to change the guiding rules for land use (Comp. Plan as well as Zoning) then the proposed use most likely is not a good fit for this neighborhood. The neighborhood restaurant and gathering space previously proposed would have been a much better reason for changing those guiding principles. Please vote this latest request down.
over 1 year ago
We live about 350 feet from the site, on Kaymar Drive. We were opposed to the restaurant proposal because of the profound change it would have had on our neighborhood.
We went to Ron Dee's presentation to the neighbors, and our impression of Green Drop is that it would not fundamentally change the feel of the neighborhood. Overall, his presentation made it seem like it would be a similar business structure to Kevin Kee's - normal daytime hours, not much additional traffic, etc.
That said, I worry that the Comp Plan amendment will open a door for a restaurant in the future.
It is a small, unique parcel of land, 100% surrounded by residential properties, and if the city is not going to purchase it and turn it into a park or an electric charging station (this would be the #1 solution to this problem, in my opinion!), it should be zoned as residential to match the neighborhood.
Thanks for your time and attention to this matter, and your service to the city of Edina.
I feel like this is something that no side of the coin actually wants but I also feel like there are no downsides to this proposal. Therefore it seems perfect to me. At least we won't have to look at a dilapidated bright yellow building and falling down fence every time we drive down Vernon.
My name is Matt, and I recently bought a property a short distance from the proposed site. I like the residential character of the neighborhood and enjoy no businesses in the vicinity. I don't think this donation center would fit in or be highly utilized. The site doesn't mesh with how the neighborhood has developed and I'd prefer it an empty lot or some trees planted there.
My name is Don Terwilliger. My wife Carolyn and I have lived in the "Village" of Edina since 1962, and have always respected the Cities thorough and thoughtful way of recognizing the needs of "Our Town" as it has grown. But right now we are questioning the thinking behind putting in a "'Used Goods"' drop off facility in a residential neighborhood.
To be very clear, we think this is a terrible idea that needs to be scuttled right now!
We cannot imagine the council going along with such a plan!
We live just across the street and down a block or so on Vernon Lane. There are many beautiful homes in this area and the people who live in this neighborhood have bought here because it is a lovely, quiet residential community! Why would this council even consider putting a "Drop-off" in the center of such a well cared for neighborhood.
The Gas Station that was built there, some 70 plus years ago, when it was outside the residential community of Edina, does not fit into that property today. That was the old Hwy 169 , back when it was built, and on the edge of town. But in recent years, it is obvious that the building has been an eye sore. There has to be other sites in the metro area to choose from, that would fit the needs of what they are proposing.
That being said, ... we see no reason this has to be zoned as it is now, when it would make so much more sense to rezone this property to residential/multi housing and develop it into an attractive multi unit structure, similar to what has been built recently on other small neighborhood parcels of land in Edina.
We trust that the city planning committee and city council will reject the use of this parcel of land in our neighborhood as a drop-off center, which will unquestionably lower the value of all our homes! And that is a big concern to all of us property owners!
Our opinion: The building is a relic, a disgrace to the City and needs to be demolished and something new and attractive should take it's place! (Document submitted to Planning Division staff 11/9/23)
This is Shirley Vucenich and I live at 5818 Vernon Lane. I'm totally opposed to the drop off center being in our neighborhood. Thank you very much. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/9/23 at 9:05 AM)
This is Mo Vucenich at 5818 Vernon Lane. I'm calling to voice my disapproval of putting that green store in on the old Kevin Keys situation. It's a residential neighborhood and I have something that's gonna turn out to be a circus I think is a huge mistake. Thank you. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/8/23 at 11:52 AM)
Hi my name is Archana Dalal and I live at 5822 Vernon Lane in Edina. I would not like to have a donation center in front of the house which is open 365 days in a year which is open almost every day and are would vote against that. I would definitely not like to have what have a commercial drop off for that the Kees Auto location. I am really concerned about having any commercial business in our neighborhood with this whole neighborhood being very family oriented. So thank you and hopefully my voice is been heard. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 2:20 PM)
We are about half a block from this proposed project and do not see how adding a GreenDrop Donation Center will bring any value to the neighborhood. If you stop by any nearby Goodwill on a Saturday or Sunday morning, the line of cars to donate goods is 8+ deep. There is not room on the existing property to handle this kind of traffic without it backing up onto Vernon Ave or a nearby street. This type of facility is generally located closer to main highways with access to larger parking lots or land to handle the traffic.
While the idea of a Neighborhood Service land use category sounds appealing, we are eager to see a definition of that and what falls under "neighborhood service". I am not opposed to a business on this site, however a restaurant or cafe serves a better purpose when it comes to walkability and bringing the community together. No one is walking to a donation center, so those who were concerned about traffic and parking have a more legitimate concern with that be an issue with this business.
We urge the city council to vote against this proposal as it does not serve the nearby neighborhood.
This is the worst idea ever!!! You had your chance at beautifying and elevating the character of the neighborhood with the restaurant idea. To my knowledge the majority of the neighborhood wanted the restaurant, but a small few did not primarily because of parking concerns. If I am wrong and the restaurant was put to a vote I want to know who voted and what the count was because I think the judgement was unfair in that you did not do what the majority of homeowners in the area wanted. This cannot be a horrible idea that goes forward because a few think it best. It is not. This eye-sore will degrade the neighborhood, send property values down, and literally literally junk to the area. I hope the city council does their job by honestly and fairly recording this vote. We did not build an expensive home 23 years ago to have one ugly building be replaced by a brand new uglier building.
My name is Ronald Webber. My address is 5821 Vernon Lane in Edina. I'm calling in regards with the notice of public hearing for the Kee’s auto body repair at 6016 Vernon Avenue. My comments are that this property should remain as solely as a medium density residential location. This Edina family neighborhood does not need this type of neighborhood donation Center. There will be an increase in the general traffic flow with limited parking, concerns about being open seven days a week, concerns with associated commercial business noise will be very disruptive to our nearby family properties. The high traffic volume using this commercial drop off business service address will definitely devalue all nearby and residential properties. This proposed charitable donation center would be better located adjacent to other businesses that can accommodate traffic flow that provide short term parking. It should not be a stand alone commercial business in an established and developed family neighborhood. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 2:04 PM)
My name is Laurice Wyler and I live at 5827 Vernon Lane, approximately half a block from what was the Kevin Kees Auto Repair little shop. and I am really, really opposed to GreenDrop coming in on Vernon Avenue. I feel like it is not a good fit. I feel like there's so much empty office space where it would be much more advantageous to drop things off. I don't like the idea of people, like probably after hours, dropping mattresses on Vernon Avenue and leaving things. The pictures look so nice with the green building but I think people dropping all kinds of things off at all different hours is just not a good fit for Vernon Avenue first of all and for a residential neighborhood more importantly. It is a for-profit and it sounds green but it’s not. It is a for-profit company and there are no locations in Minnesota. Why would they choose the residential area even though it looks cute and it was an old gas station back in the day. There are so many empty spaces all over the city of Edina where it could have much easier access. Most of their locations, as I looked on their website, are by Costcos, Walmarts, and other industrial commercial areas. That is where I feel like this GreenDrop belongs. It doesn’t belong in a residential area, especially half a block from where we all live. Thank you. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 11:08 AM)
This is a message for City Council from Betsy Cussler. I live at 5825 Vernon Lane which is virtually across the street from the lot being considered for a drop off site at 6016 Vernon Avenue. I feel that the proposed use at this site would generate far too much traffic along Vernon Avenue which is already a very busy artery with cars coming along at great speeds and if people were turning into and out of that it could become dangerous and I think we would have accidents and possibly even people hurt. Secondly, I just don't think it's an appropriate use in the middle of a residential neighborhood for this kind of a commercial business. I think it would be de-value the property in the in the neighborhood. So I would urge the city council to vote against this petition to rezone it for this kind of commercial use. I think businesses like this are much better put in some sort of shopping area where there is a large amount of parking so that people can go from their car to the center and so on. Thank you so much. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 11/6/23 at 3:16 PM)
We live a bowling ball throw away from the site. I continue to support residential on this site as the best long-term option that fits the character of the neighborhood. Towards that goal, I am anxious to see in writing exactly how this Neighborhood Service land use category is defined, and specifically how narrowly it constrains the use of the site.
As for Green Drop, I did attend their public meeting. If they deliver on their commitments , then I believe it would not negatively impact the character of the immediate neighborhood. I suggest that the conditions of use written into the variance includes:
- Maintain a fence in good working order on the west and north side, with access to the site only from Vernon.
- Truck loading from the parking lot only, and no trucks on the site overnight.
- No pods or other temporary, outdoor storage allowed on the property + limit to one dumpster.
- No cars stacking up on Vernon Ave.
I'm writing to express my thoughts on the proposed variance to allow a charitable donation center in our neighborhood. While I understand the donation center would serve an important purpose, I have concerns that it will not contribute to the vibrancy and sense of community in our area. Unlike a business such as a cafe, the donation center is unlikely to generate consistent foot traffic or provide a gathering place for residents to connect. While people may come to drop off donations, they likely won't be walking to the center or spending time in the neighborhood around it.
My biggest concern with the property is that someone could propose a car wash or a modern car repair shop like Jiffy Lube which would be harder to deny with the current zoning. The noise and lack of fit with the neighborhood would be a worst-case scenario.
I know parking is a concern with any new business. However, I believe restrictions could alleviate those worries while still allowing beneficial establishments. With smart parking rules, we could discourage driving and promote more walk-in traffic. This would support the goal of increasing walkability in our neighborhood.
Rather than enhancing walkability and bringing people together, the donation center will simply fulfill a practical need for charitable donations. As we consider variances and new businesses, I hope we can find options that benefit the neighborhood both practically and atmospherically. I would welcome solutions that add to our area's charm, promote foot traffic, and provide social focal points. The donation center, while filling a service need, does not seem to align with those goals for improving our community's sense of place and pedestrian-friendliness. I hope that we can approve variances and businesses that could better achieve those aims.
We live in Countryside across Vernon Ave from the subject site. The proposed use does not fit the neighborhood and does not benefit the neighborhood. We are against it.
We loved the previous proposal of a restaurant at this location. There are no restaurants to walk to in this part of Edina and we would enjoy walking to a local restaurant in our neighborhood. From the neighborhood’s perspective, GreenDrop is vastly inferior to the previous restaurant proposal.
We urge the City Council to vote against this proposal which is not in best interests of the neighborhood.
This type of proposed use does not fit the neighborhood. If the City of Edina is being asked to change the guiding rules for land use (Comp. Plan as well as Zoning) then the proposed use most likely is not a good fit for this neighborhood. The neighborhood restaurant and gathering space previously proposed would have been a much better reason for changing those guiding principles. Please vote this latest request down.
We live about 350 feet from the site, on Kaymar Drive. We were opposed to the restaurant proposal because of the profound change it would have had on our neighborhood.
We went to Ron Dee's presentation to the neighbors, and our impression of Green Drop is that it would not fundamentally change the feel of the neighborhood. Overall, his presentation made it seem like it would be a similar business structure to Kevin Kee's - normal daytime hours, not much additional traffic, etc.
That said, I worry that the Comp Plan amendment will open a door for a restaurant in the future.
It is a small, unique parcel of land, 100% surrounded by residential properties, and if the city is not going to purchase it and turn it into a park or an electric charging station (this would be the #1 solution to this problem, in my opinion!), it should be zoned as residential to match the neighborhood.
Thanks for your time and attention to this matter, and your service to the city of Edina.