6016 Vernon Ave. S., GreenDrop Charitable Donations

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On December 19, 2023 City Council denied the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Ordinance amendment and Site Plan for 6016 Vernon Ave.

Ron Dee on behalf of GreenDrop Charitable Donations is proposing to remodel the existing Kee’s auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue into charitable donation center which would accept donations on behalf of Disabled American Veterans. The GreenDrop donation office would accept donations of gently used clothing, shoes, and household goods. GreenDrop has 61 locations across the country. This office is proposed to be open from 10 am to 6 pm seven days a week, 363 days per year. They would be closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two employees would be on the site during business hours. The existing site is zoned PCD-4, Planned Commercial District, which allows only automobile service centers, gas stations and car washes.

To accommodate the request the following is required:

  • A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Service. (This would establish a new Land Use Category in the Comprehensive Plan.)
  • A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to allow the proposed use in the existing PCD-4 Zoning District.
  • Site Plan Review

On December 19, 2023 City Council denied the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Ordinance amendment and Site Plan for 6016 Vernon Ave.

Ron Dee on behalf of GreenDrop Charitable Donations is proposing to remodel the existing Kee’s auto repair shop at 6016 Vernon Avenue into charitable donation center which would accept donations on behalf of Disabled American Veterans. The GreenDrop donation office would accept donations of gently used clothing, shoes, and household goods. GreenDrop has 61 locations across the country. This office is proposed to be open from 10 am to 6 pm seven days a week, 363 days per year. They would be closed Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two employees would be on the site during business hours. The existing site is zoned PCD-4, Planned Commercial District, which allows only automobile service centers, gas stations and car washes.

To accommodate the request the following is required:

  • A Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to Neighborhood Service. (This would establish a new Land Use Category in the Comprehensive Plan.)
  • A Zoning Ordinance Amendment to allow the proposed use in the existing PCD-4 Zoning District.
  • Site Plan Review

Public Input- GreenDrop

The City of Edina offers several ways for people to provide input on development projects. Regardless of the method, all public input is considered, so people need to use only one method. 

Instructions for leaving a public comment below:

  • Your comment will be available to Planning Commission, City Council, staff and others to review immediately instead of waiting until the public hearing.
  • Your comment will be posted and publicly viewable as soon as you hit 'Submit'.
  • You will not be able to edit or remove your comment.
  • Please introduce yourself, your neighborhood and your thoughts about this project.
    Example: Barbara Smith, The Heights. The project is two blocks from my home and my children would have to walk past it every day on their way to school. Please consider adding sidewalks to this project.

Other ways to provide comment:

1 - Leave a voicemail with your public input at 952-826-0377. Staff will submit the transcribed voicemail to Better Together Edina. (Available once project application is submitted)

2 - Two public hearings will take place for each development project in the City Hall Council Chambers, 4801 W. 50th St. Attend the meetings in person to give public input or watch the meetings live from home on Edina TV (Comcast Channels 813 or 16), Facebook or EdinaMN.gov/LiveMeetings. Call in to provide live testimony at 786-496-5601. Call in Conference PINs are provided in the meeting agenda which can be found at EdinaMN.gov/Agendas

Generally, the City Council makes a decision on each development project at the City Council meeting following the second public hearing.

If you have any difficulties with participating, contact Community Engagement Manager, MJ Lamon at MLamon@EdinaMN.gov or 952-826-0360.

Public input closed on December 10, 2023. This item is on the December 19, 2023 City Council agenda.

My name is Betty Freeze and I'm calling regarding the GreenDrop proposal. I just dropped off a bag of used things at Arc in Richfield. The line was backed up with cars for two blocks and I had to wait. I do not think that is idea a good idea for the location of GreenDrop where the old motor company used to be. I am at 6012 Tamarack Avenue. Thank you. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 12/9/23 at 8:58 PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

Bob & Mary Melander
6105 Eden Prairie Rd. #35
We are concerned if the Green drop is allowed on the Kevin Keys site, the future use of the property in 3-5 years is in question as to what could possibly replace it and how it would affect our residential neighborhood. If any changes are to be made we would like to see a developer put in townhouses that could be accessed on Eden Prairie Rd which would alleviate the in and out traffic on Vernon for cars and the bikers on the bike path. The Green proposal is a concern for not only traffic back up but also in after hours drop offs. As much as Green Drop says that won't happen - it will!
There is no other commercial entity in our neighborhood and we would like it to remain residential.

Bob Melander about 1 year ago

This seems like an appropriate use for this site. People have short memories that this site has been painted bright yellow, and has been in variations of disrepair with broken down cars littering the site for years. It could be a gas station undering current zoning which would bring more traffic/crime/trash/disruptions into the night than the current plan. We just wanted the cafe. Edina has left behind families with children and deprioritized the needs of NW Edina residents.

CarolC about 1 year ago

This is Gretchen Grey and I live at 6105 Eden Prairie Road in the White Hall. I'm calling about the Kee’s site and I think that it's not a very good idea to put in more commercial businesses on the side. It adds nothing to the neighborhood and the proposed one will have inevitably have discarded items left in the parking lot and it doesn't little to mitigate the offensive building appearance. So I'm stating my objection to this and I hope that you will consider this. Thank you. Goodbye. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 12/6/23 at 11:26 AM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

This is Pam Allen and I live at 6105 Eden Prairie Road about a half a block from the GreenDrop off the proposed Kee’s site property. I am opposed to this for several reasons, most of all because it adds nothing to the neighborhood. It will inevitably have discarded items left in the parking lot when they're closed. With more traffic is going to come more crime. Does little to mitigate the offensive building appearance. It's time to follow the comprehensive plan and finally designate the site as only medium density residential. We can keep trying to make it a commercial property which does not fit in the neighborhood. None of them will fit in the neighborhood because it's a residential property. Thank you very much and I strongly urge the Council to deny this application for Green Drop. Thank you. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 12/6/23 at 10:40 AM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

City Council Members,

I attended the public counsel meeting last night where the Green Drop site on Vernon Ave was discussed. I believe there were a number of negative comments made in relation to the project, which I disagree with.

I have been a resident of the Highlands community, just a few blocks from the proposed site for over 11 years. I would like to voice my support of the project. My reasonings are fairly simple. I view the current site as a bit of an eye sore in the neighborhood. My understanding is that the site's current designation usage of "auto" is a bit dated. The idea of a gas station or car wash being located on the site would be a downgrade in my opinion. I also don't believe squeezing in a handful of residential units makes much sense, given the size and location of the lot.

A resident made a statement last night that the proposed site could increase crime in the area. Any rational citizen would know that this isn't true. To further this, using the site for automotive (say a gas station) could actually increase crime in the city (similar to what we are experiencing at gas stations located on France Ave).

Similar to the previous proposal to use the Vernon site for a restaurant, the vast majority of the neighborhood and city were in favor of repurposing the site. I think in public hearings related to projects like this, the minority are usually the loudest. I want to add a voice and show of support for the majority that support the Green Drop project.

Thank you,
Adam Freeman

Adam Freeman about 1 year ago

My name is Tacia Babcock. My address is 6604 Naomi Drive. Leaving a voicemail message I am against the GreenDrop location proposed for Vernon Avenue. It will cause too much traffic, not enough people, and the people who live in the surrounding area don't need to have constant traffic added to that location. A restaurant or other thing that would benefit the city is much better at that location and want to vote against that if we can. Thank you. (Transcribed by city staff. Voicemail received 12/5/23 at 4:14 PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

My family and I are residents of the Highlands Neighborhood and for over a decade have lived a few blocks from the current site proposed for the Green Drop.
I am writing in support of the Green Drop project. The positives of developing this site far outweigh any negatives. Chief among them, giving the local residents a convenient option for donating unwanted goods and providing employment opportunity.
The other options, some of which I also support like Cafe or Coffee shop, have already been struck down by local residents and the city, thus proven unrealistic for this site.
The idea of a green space or park in that location also does not fit as well as some have imagined, plus the fact that it will come at a cost to residents to develop and maintain. Something I and many others are opposed to at this time. Many of these smaller green spaces tend to go unmanaged and become an unintended blight on the area.
Green Drop provides a useful, no cost and realistic path forward for this specific site.

Chet West about 1 year ago

City Council Members, I am writing to voice my support of the proposed GreenDrop proposal to replace the dilapidated building on the site of the old Kevin Kee's Auto. I understand this is up for approval at the December 5th meeting. The current site has been an eye sore for years and it is time for you all to act.

While I also was in favor of the restaurant proposed last year I could understand the concerns of local neighbors with late night traffic. This new use of space remedys this issue and will be a win-win for the Edina community. Don't let the voices of a few stop you from making an informed decision.

Thank you for your service to the Edina Community,
Jens Jorgensen

Jens Jorgensen about 1 year ago

My name is Jubran Tanious and my family and I live in the Highlands neighborhood just down the street from this site for the last 13 years. Many of the comments I see listed below appear to be based on lack of understanding and information about GreenDrop. I have listed several inaccurate claims and the corresponding facts, point by point:

1. Claim: The site will generate lots of traffic.

It is estimated that the site will service approximately 25 cars per day between the normal daylight business hours of 10am-6pm (that's 3 cars per hour). The site will have 2-3 full time employees who quickly unload donations of clothing and household items with no lineup of cars. It is estimated a single box truck will unload the site once per week, so infrequent as to not be material. Other dropoff locations like Goodwill are generally poorly staffed, do not add staff based on car volume like GreenDrop, and do not measure donor satisfaction and unload time. GreenDrop does all of this and pursues operational excellence with donor satisfaction scores that are 4.9 out of 5 stars across the 60+ locations they operate, many in similar community-based neighborhoods like the 6016 Vernon Ave location.

2. Claim: The site could be used for a restaurant, cafe, or housing development instead.

The site is zoned only for automotive use which means a very noisy, high-impact use like a gas station or car wash could move in immediately, nothing else. Rezoning is difficult and takes many years to accomplish and any non-automotive use requires a variance. The restaurant concept was unable to obtain such variance in large part because the Community Development Director's staff conducted a study (traffic, etc) and was unable to recommend the use to City Council. Additionally, the 2020 Edina Housing Task Force (commissioned once every 10 years), determined that the site was not appropriate for housing due to the very limited space on the parcel and required setbacks.
By way of comparison, the Edina Community Development staff studied the GreenDrop use and not only approved the use, but recommended it given the low impact it would have on the community.

3. Claim: The GreenDrop use means no other future use (like a small bakery or cafe) would ever be possible.

The lease term for GreenDrop is 5 years but both parties have the right to terminate, with or without cause, after 30 months on not less than 180 days notice. Thus, if the site is rezoned and the landlord chooses to develop or sell to developer for higher and better use, he is free to.

4. GreenDrop is owned by Savers who is not registered as professional fundraiser in the state of Minnesota.

TVI, Inc. dba GreenDrop is a registered professional fundraiser where required. The operations of GreenDrop would be registered as a professional fundraiser pursuant to the Minnesota Charitable Solicitations Act.

5. The current, unoccupied structure will continue to worsen with ongoing vacancy and neglect without the approval of GreenDrop.

The site will become an even worse blight on the neighborhood instead of receiving a new roof, new windows, new exterior lighting, new fencing, new landscaping, exterior facade repairs and painting, and a repaved parking lot which will be smaller. GreenDrop provides a positive impact on the community from a convenience, environmental, and non-profit beneficiary perspective. Given all the facts, it is difficult to imagine better and more responsible uses of the site than what has been proposed.

Jubran about 1 year ago

Our names are Joe & Carol Burke and we have lived in Edina for 40 years raising our family in the Highlands neighborhood and supporting the community through volunteer efforts including school, sports, and as a participant on the Edina Housing Task Force. We are writing today to support the proposed use of the prior Kevin Kee’s automotive business at 6016 Vernon Avenue for the Savers Green Drop facility. This type of light commercial use seems very appropriate for this site and the proposed improvements will be a significant upgrade to the existing building, which is in serious need of repairs and improvements.

I also understand that the Edina Planning Commission voted against recommending this site for the Green Drop use as it wanted to see affordable housing put on the site. As a member of the task force, we discussed sites along Vernon Avenue and concluded that the only sites that made sense for high-density housing were the sites that were being developed across from Jerry’s. The shape and size of this site precluded high-density development which is needed for affordable housing in Edina due to high land costs.

The idea of having a business located in West Edina that enables convenient donations, supports American Veterans, and creates jobs, (possibly for eager high school students) is a wonderful use for this site. Carol and I wholeheartedly support this use and development.

JB about 1 year ago

My name is Steve Noran and I live on Vernon Lane. Please review the thoughtful and numerous comments regarding this conversion from my neighbors, those who believe that traffic and eyesore problems will increase. A lot of thought and research has gone into previous comments and I agree that there is absolutely no need for this type of facility in our neighborhood. I see it as causing problems in many ways. Ms. Wyler has made a good point but so have others. A building being opened 363 days a year and accepting traffic from who knows where and dropping who knows what that any time of the day creates a serious problem. I also see that this is a for-profit business which complicates everything to understand what is even going on. I suggest that this project be dropped totally and more research placed on that the small restaurant or brief hours of use would certainly suite better or simply convert it into a green space on Vernon. (4 Voicemails compiled and transcribed by City Staff. All received 11/15/23).

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

This is Cathy Drake at 5802 Vernon Lane and I am calling you about the proposed GreenDrop charitable donation building at 6016 Vernon Avenue. I am strongly opposed to it. I have seen a proposed drawing of it. It is very loud in appearance and very tacky and they will also draw a lot of traffic to the neighborhood, especially since it's open 363 days per year. We do not need that kind of building in a residential area. This area should be zone residential. A twin home would be very appropriate on that lot. Thank you. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/25/23 at 5:55 PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

Hi I am a resident of Blake Ridge Town Homes and I oppose a GreenDrop idea for the Vernon area that everybody is talking about. I have read other people's comments and I totally agree with everything my friends and neighbors are saying as far as proposing this GreenDrop possible situation. I am in favor of a nice small restaurant/café and will only enhance our neighborhood to have that in that spot. Thank you. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/20/23 at 1:57 PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

My name is Mary Kay Covey at 6112 Jeffrey Lane, Edina 55436. I'm concerned about their request to be on Vernon Avenue South for several reasons. They’re not registered in Minnesota as a professional fundraiser they are not endorsed by their listed partners. They predominantly seem to be on the East Coast and Hawaii. In Minnesota, through their name “Savers,” they’re affiliated with disabled American Veterans and what they pay them is 5.3 cents per pound of clothing, 3.5 cents per number of household miscellaneous household goods, 2.0 cents on books and furniture which amounts to that they are focusing on their 5.3 cents. They are keeping 94 cents under the payout, keeping 96 cents on the dollar and their two cents they're keeping 98 cents per dollar. This is not a very charitable organization. I'm also concerned about the debris that will be left in the area of people driving by and just dropping off stuff they do not want to dispose of properly. This has occurred at other nonprofitable organizations, such a Value Village retail stores. I hope that the city does not grant this permit to go forward with their plans. I think the city could find a better use for that lot than something of this order. Thank you. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/15/23 at 4:09 PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

My name is Steven Noran (?) and I live in Edina on Vernon Lane across from Kee’s and the proposed Green Charitable drop donation. My comment is to basically agree with my neighbors who have seen all of the problems and done research into this non-charitable organization. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/15/23 at 1:12 PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

Hi my name is Scott McDonald. I'm at 6133 Blake Ridge Road. I'm calling in regards to the Green Drop facility at Kevin Kee’s. I am totally opposed to this for a variety reasons, but in reading some of the other examples of people that have called in this seems like a can of worms waiting to happen. For that reason, I oppose it. I was really in favor of having some type of a restaurant where you guys could put hours on there and I think the majority of people in this area were in favor of that. It is what it is. This thing is not acceptable in my eyes. Thank you. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/19/23 at 2:46 AM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

Lucy Patch 6141 Blake Ridge Road, Edina, MN 55436. I’m Calling to voice my opinion about the 6016 Vernon Avenue project. I am not in favor of establishing a GreenDrop Charitable Donation Center at that location. It would be most beneficial to have an automobile service center or car wash, but the most ideal thing would be to re zone that for residential living. Thank you. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/16/23 at 10:25 AM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

The name is Barbara Fredrickson. The address is 6105 Eden Prairie Road in Edina Minnesota. My concern is the charitable drop off plans on Vernon Avenue. I am totally opposed to this. It does not appear to be a real charity and, ultimately, I don't think this is appropriate in the neighborhood. It's a residential neighborhood that would be developed in that area. So thank you and I hope my information is passed on.(Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/15/23 at 7:19 PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago

My name is Steven and I live at Vernon Lane across from the current Kee’s Auto repair that is proposed for conversion to a Green drop charitable. (Transcribed by City Staff. Voicemail received 11/15/23 at 1:09PM)

Liz Olson about 1 year ago
Page last updated: 15 Feb 2024, 12:08 PM