Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances for Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West
Please visit the updated project page here.
Donnay Homes, Inc., on behalf of Elizabeth and Peter MacDonagh is proposing to redevelop the property at the corner of Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West. (5132 and 5136-48 Hankerson Avenue; See attached property location.) The proposal is to tear down the existing two-story four-unit apartment at 5136-48 Hankerson and the single-story single-family home at 5132 Hankerson, and build a 10-unit, two and a half-story row townhome. (See attached applicant narrative and plans.) The two properties are currently zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District; the four-unit apartment is an existing nonconforming use. The site is guided low density attached residential, which allows between 4-8 units per acre. The properties total .67 acres or 29,185 square feet in size. The existing density is 7.4 units per acre, which would fit the medium density range (5-12 units per acre). The proposed density would increase to 14.9 units per acre; therefore, this request would require a comprehensive plan amendment.
To accommodate the request the following is required:
- A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to high density, which would allow the proposed 14.9 units per acre; and
- A Rezoning from R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-3, Planned Residential District, Preliminary Site Plan with the following variances:
- Front setback to 52nd Street from 35 feet to 12 feet.
- Side setback from 35 feet to 12 feet.
- Rear setback from 35 feet to 21 feet.
- Building coverage variance from 30% to 47
Please contact Cary Teague, Community Development Director, with any questions regarding this project.
Final Action on this project is taken by the City Council.