Public Hearing: 6500 Barrie Road

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This sign variance received approval at Planning Commission on April 12, 2023.

The applicant is requesting a sign setback variance for monument sign associated with a new building at 6500 Barrie Road. The request is for a 5.5 foot setback variance to allow for a monument sign to be placed 14.5 feet from the curb adjacent to 65th Street West, on the north side of the building.

The required setbacks for monument signs is 20 feet from the travelled portion of the road (the curb). This site is allowed two monument signs and two wall signs-one per each street frontage. The proposed signage shown, with the exception of the setback of the monument sign adjacent to 65th Street West, meets the other requirements of the city's sign code.

This sign variance received approval at Planning Commission on April 12, 2023.

The applicant is requesting a sign setback variance for monument sign associated with a new building at 6500 Barrie Road. The request is for a 5.5 foot setback variance to allow for a monument sign to be placed 14.5 feet from the curb adjacent to 65th Street West, on the north side of the building.

The required setbacks for monument signs is 20 feet from the travelled portion of the road (the curb). This site is allowed two monument signs and two wall signs-one per each street frontage. The proposed signage shown, with the exception of the setback of the monument sign adjacent to 65th Street West, meets the other requirements of the city's sign code.

Page last updated: 12 Apr 2023, 05:25 PM