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The new playground at Wooddale Park is now open November 17th! Yay!
Workers finished up the final touches for the weekend. One additional climbing piece will be added to the playground this fall or first thing in the spring.
Thank you for your patience during the construction and can't wait to hear and see what you think of the new playground.
Thanks to everyone who participated in choosing style, colors and playground equipment. Now get ready to play on what you all created!
We would love your feedback about the new play features, please provide comments and picture in our Feedback section.
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The new playground is getting close to completion.
If the weather is nice to us, we hope to complete the installation by the end of the week (Nov. 17). You might see some sections, such as the swings, completed early, but please remain out of any area that is still in the caution tape or being worked on.
Once the installation is complete and the playground passes a safety inspection, we will remove the tape and open it up for everyone to come play.
And there's more to come. Another play structure will be added to the playground in spring 2024!
We will send out another update once the playground is open. Here's a sneak peek at what it looks like so far:
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City staff will be removing playground equipment the week of October 9th. Please excuse the dust. New equipment will start installation October 16th week and may be a few days of work. Please visit back later in October to enjoy the new playground!
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City Council approved staff recommendation based off community feedback. Playground colors were finalized based on community feedback and order was placed for equipment. An installation date of late Fall 2023 is anticipated. Updates will be posted closer to installation date.
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On July 18th City Council will be asked to approve Minnesota Playground Inc.'s proposal for the Wooddale Park Playground Equipment. This was submission B on our Better Together Edina Survey. The preferred submission received 54 votes which was 41% of votes. Upon approval, staff will work with Minnesota Playground on installation and scheduling.
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Your feedback and input is important to us! We hope you take the time to look the second survey that is posted on the survey tab. There are five variations of playground designs to choose from. We welcome kids and adults to take the brief survey.
The survey will be open from May 26- June 11.