Share Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project on FacebookShare Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project on TwitterShare Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project on LinkedinEmail Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project link
Consultation has concluded.
The Lynmar Basin is a low-lying, open space that currently briefly detains stormwater before it makes its way to Lake Edina and eventually Nine Mile Creek through storm sewer pipes. The location was identified as an opportunity to better manage stormwater as part of a larger effort to improve downstream water resources.
The retrofit project will better utilize the space to capture and clean more stormwater than it already does today. The existing dry pond area will be expanded and deepened to promote stormwater infiltration. The infiltration basin will be planted with native trees, shrubs, and forbs.
The project benefits include;
Less polluted water entering Lake Edina and downstream water resources
Reduced flooding in the South Cornelia neighborhood
Enhanced natural resources, including improving pollinator habitat
A portion of the space kept open for passive recreation, and a new walking path
This project is done in partnership with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District.
The Lynmar Basin is a low-lying, open space that currently briefly detains stormwater before it makes its way to Lake Edina and eventually Nine Mile Creek through storm sewer pipes. The location was identified as an opportunity to better manage stormwater as part of a larger effort to improve downstream water resources.
The retrofit project will better utilize the space to capture and clean more stormwater than it already does today. The existing dry pond area will be expanded and deepened to promote stormwater infiltration. The infiltration basin will be planted with native trees, shrubs, and forbs.
The project benefits include;
Less polluted water entering Lake Edina and downstream water resources
Reduced flooding in the South Cornelia neighborhood
Enhanced natural resources, including improving pollinator habitat
A portion of the space kept open for passive recreation, and a new walking path
This project is done in partnership with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District.
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Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
April 2021
We will introduce the project and seek input on current open space use and measures to control stormwater.
Develop Initial Concepts
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
May - July 2021
We will share initial concepts and let you know how your input influenced the design concepts.
Refine Concepts
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
July - September 2021
We will consider input, refine concepts, and share the outcome.
Make a Decision
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
September 2021
Staff will make a recommendation to the City Council and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board of Managers. City Council will make a decision. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board of Managers will authorize staff to undertake a feasibility study to be considered to order the project.
Close the Loop
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
Late September 2021
We will tell people what decision was made. The public input portion of the concept design development process ends.
Make a Decision
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
March 2022
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board will hold a public hearing, consider the feasibility study and make a decision.
Added: Detailed Engineering and Landscape Design Begins
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
Summer 2022
The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District Board approved the concept plan at their March Board meeting. This moved the project from the concept design phase to the detailed engineering and landscape design phase.
Added: Cooperative Agreement Decision
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
Summer 2022
City Council and Nine Mile Creek Watershed District consider entering into a cooperative agreement which describes how the two will work together.
Added: Design and Bid
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
Summer 2022
Staff will complete the design and prepare construction bid documents. A contractor will be selected through a competitive process.
Added: Construction
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project has finished this stage
Fall 2022
Construction begins.
Added: Restoration and Maintenance
Bristol & Mavelle Park/Lynmar Basin Stormwater Project is currently at this stage
2023 and Beyond
Disturbed turf areas will be restored and natural areas will be planted.