Fire Station 2 Replacement
Project Background
After years of research, it was determined the community needs a larger Fire Station 2. The current Fire Station 2 is not large enough to provide the level of services needed in the southeast quadrant in the future, and the land it’s on is too small to build the size of station needed.
The site located at 4401 W. 76th St. was chosen for the new Fire Station 2 and purchased in 2022. The project partners were named:
- Tegra Group - Owners Representative
- BKV - Project Architect and Engineer
- Kraus-Anderson - Construction Manager
More project background information can be found under the Documents section.
Current Project Status: Construction
Towards the end of 2023, design and bidding were completed. Construction began in Spring of 2024 and is underway.
Project Background
After years of research, it was determined the community needs a larger Fire Station 2. The current Fire Station 2 is not large enough to provide the level of services needed in the southeast quadrant in the future, and the land it’s on is too small to build the size of station needed.
The site located at 4401 W. 76th St. was chosen for the new Fire Station 2 and purchased in 2022. The project partners were named:
- Tegra Group - Owners Representative
- BKV - Project Architect and Engineer
- Kraus-Anderson - Construction Manager
More project background information can be found under the Documents section.
Current Project Status: Construction
Towards the end of 2023, design and bidding were completed. Construction began in Spring of 2024 and is underway.
Financing Public Hearing
Share Financing Public Hearing on Facebook Share Financing Public Hearing on Twitter Share Financing Public Hearing on Linkedin Email Financing Public Hearing linkOn Wednesday, May 4, 2022, City Council gave approval for the City to enter into a purchase agreement for the property at 4401 West 76th Street for the purposes of building a new fire station. The City must secure debt financing before purchasing the property. To secure the most cost-effective debt financing, the City will ask Council to authorize financing for up to $39 million of general obligation bonds for the land acquisition and construction of the fire station project. The actual amount of debt financing needed to complete the project is not yet known because it depends on many factors, including: potential funding support from the state bonding bill; the results of the pre-design and design processes that establish the final scope of the new facility and the construction bids.
The first step in securing the financing is for Council to hold a public hearing on the fire station project on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. There are multiple ways to participate:
1. On-line via Better Together from June 1-16
2. Voicemail by calling 952-826-0377 (option 1)
3. In-person at the June 21, City Council meeting
Due to the economic impacts by extending the project timeline, Council will take action immediately following the close of the public hearing at its June 21 meeting.
Following the hearing and a 30-day waiting period, the City will issue bonds to pay for the property. These bond funds are intended to be used to acquire the property in late summer 2022.
Public Input Collected
Share Public Input Collected on Facebook Share Public Input Collected on Twitter Share Public Input Collected on Linkedin Email Public Input Collected linkThe public input process on the site selection has concluded. Staff will be reviewing all the input collected over the next several weeks. A presentation will be shared with City Council on May 4.
Video Available
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Video of Last Night's Presentation
Share Video of Last Night's Presentation on Facebook Share Video of Last Night's Presentation on Twitter Share Video of Last Night's Presentation on Linkedin Email Video of Last Night's Presentation linkChief Slama's neighborhood meeting presentation was video taped. The video team is preparing it to be shared. The video will be posted on this site as soon as it is available. A pdf of the presentation can be found here. Watch this page for updates on the project.
Collecting Comments until April 15
Share Collecting Comments until April 15 on Facebook Share Collecting Comments until April 15 on Twitter Share Collecting Comments until April 15 on Linkedin Email Collecting Comments until April 15 linkThe City is in Phase 1 of the Fire Station 2 project which is site selection. There are two sites identified. To share you comments and concerns on the specific sites visit the tab "site selection" to provide public input.
The comment period will be open until April 15.
Project Phase 1
Share Project Phase 1 on Facebook Share Project Phase 1 on Twitter Share Project Phase 1 on Linkedin Email Project Phase 1 linkThe Fire Station 2 project is currently in Phase 1: Site Selection.
At this time, two sites in the southeast quadrant of the City have been identified for potential development of a new Fire Station 2. One is located within the boundaries of Rosland Park, on the north end of the East parking lot. A parking ramp would be constructed and located on the south side of the East Parking lot. The other site is located at 4401 76th St. W., in the Pentagon Park neighborhood.
In order to provide a forum for neighborhood concerns and see how City staff can address them moving forward, a neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for late March.Several questions have been raised about the station's design specifics and costs, along with other operational issues. It is important to note that, at this stage, the details are limited and will be addressed once the site is selected. The graphic below illustrates the project timeline.
Stay tuned to this site for further updates as the process moves forward.
FAQ and More Information Coming
Share FAQ and More Information Coming on Facebook Share FAQ and More Information Coming on Twitter Share FAQ and More Information Coming on Linkedin Email FAQ and More Information Coming linkThank you to everyone who sent in questions so far! The City is preparing responses in a FAQ format and will notify those who submitted when it is posted. Parking, park amenities, sound, traffic, aquatic center, etc. will be addressed. Stay up to date by checking into this project page.
Public Participation Level
Who's Listening
Fire Chief
Email -
Facility Manager
Key Dates
May 16 2023
August 16 2023
- What would the service area be for the new Station 2?
- What will happen to the current Station 2?
- Would new equipment or additional staff be needed for the new station?
- Will the New Station 2 include fire as well as emergency/ambulance services? How exactly will the mission of the new station differ from the old one?
- What is the anticipated call volume for Station 2?
- How many calls would require a siren to be used?
- Will the call volume increase with additional apparatus at the new station?
- How much money would this cost to build?
- What are the operating costs compared to the current situation?