Strachauer Park Master Plan

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Strachauer Park sign with shelter building and basketball court in background

A Master Plan will guide the future of Strachauer Park, and the City of Edina is seeking input from park users and those who live near the park in creating that plan.

The five-acre park at 6200 Beard Ave. features a playground, picnic areas, basketball court, soccer fields, skating area and a hockey rink that serves as a small dog off-leash area in summer.

Key parts of the Master Plan will address:

  • Updating the playground with new playground equipment
  • Providing a park building that can serve the community’s needs for rentals, a gathering space and park uses, as the current building is functionally obsolete
  • Programming such as playground programs for the area residents
  • Adding amenities sought by the surrounding residents and park users
  • Improving natural features

The Master Plan will include both short- and long-term improvements. Currently, money has been designated in the Capital Improvement Plan for the new playground equipment, however, funding for other amenities and improvements will come over time. Having a Master Plan will enable the City to quickly address and update on the areas of the plan as funding becomes available.

In developing the Master Plan, many factors and views will be considered including:

  • Accessiblility
  • Equity
  • Health opportunities
  • Impacts of Minnesota Highway 62 (Crosstown Highway)
  • Inclusivity
  • Maintenance needs
  • Role of Strachauer in relation to nearby Chowen and Pamela parks
  • Stormwater management and environmental impacts
  • Sustainability
  • Transportation issues

Your Participation

The input of residents, park users and potential park users will drive the Master Plan. Ways you can participate include following this project page, attending a workshop, and responding to an online survey this fall.

This project page will be updated throughout the process.

Thank you for your help in developing this plan for Strachauer Park.

A Master Plan will guide the future of Strachauer Park, and the City of Edina is seeking input from park users and those who live near the park in creating that plan.

The five-acre park at 6200 Beard Ave. features a playground, picnic areas, basketball court, soccer fields, skating area and a hockey rink that serves as a small dog off-leash area in summer.

Key parts of the Master Plan will address:

  • Updating the playground with new playground equipment
  • Providing a park building that can serve the community’s needs for rentals, a gathering space and park uses, as the current building is functionally obsolete
  • Programming such as playground programs for the area residents
  • Adding amenities sought by the surrounding residents and park users
  • Improving natural features

The Master Plan will include both short- and long-term improvements. Currently, money has been designated in the Capital Improvement Plan for the new playground equipment, however, funding for other amenities and improvements will come over time. Having a Master Plan will enable the City to quickly address and update on the areas of the plan as funding becomes available.

In developing the Master Plan, many factors and views will be considered including:

  • Accessiblility
  • Equity
  • Health opportunities
  • Impacts of Minnesota Highway 62 (Crosstown Highway)
  • Inclusivity
  • Maintenance needs
  • Role of Strachauer in relation to nearby Chowen and Pamela parks
  • Stormwater management and environmental impacts
  • Sustainability
  • Transportation issues

Your Participation

The input of residents, park users and potential park users will drive the Master Plan. Ways you can participate include following this project page, attending a workshop, and responding to an online survey this fall.

This project page will be updated throughout the process.

Thank you for your help in developing this plan for Strachauer Park.

  • Playground Equipment Recommendation to City Council

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    Staff have submitted a request for purchase for the Strachauer Park playground equipment. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback in our surveys. The winning submission was Option 2 from Minnesota Playground Inc (MWP). The winning color selection was also Option #2 spring green, brown, and tan. We will provide final design renderings when the playground is ordered.

    This playground will be replacing the existing structure which will be removed and the area re-graded. A new container and the new playground will occupy a footprint south of the existing location. This footprint is based off the approved master plan location and allow for connections to future amenities and phases.

  • Playground Survey CLOSED

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    supporting image

    Thanks to everyone that helped us to make final design and color selection for the Strachauer Park Playground. Staff will use community preferred color and concepts to make final recommendation to council. We will post final design after approval and update you on installation timeline when playground is ordered and being made. Thank you for your help and feedback through this process.

    Phase I is funding for the replacement of the playground $200,000 for equipment. Staff has worked with a consultant to locate the new structure to fit with the approved Strachauer Park Master Plan for future incorporation of desired features and programming. The existing playground will be removed and that area regraded until Phase II is initiated. Phase II includes a new shelter and gather space.

  • Phase I Playground Survey Closed

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    Please help the City design an amazing playground for Strachauer Park. We are working with consultants to evaluate site needs and placement of a new playground at Strachauer Park in line with the approved Master Plan. We will be removing existing play structure and building a new structure in 2024. The first survey will help us gauge the neighborhoods interest in components and features. We will use responses to solicit designs from vendors. We will then ask the neighborhood for preferences on these designs and colors. Survey one will be available until December 31st 2023.

  • Survey Crew

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    Additional surveying will be conducted the week of October 23rd so consultants will be on site and utility markings will be made.

  • Phase 1 Professional Services

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    Surveying, engineering, and design services for Phase 1 will be presented to City Council on 9/19 for approval. These services will help to create documents for demolition and construction of new playground equipment. The approved master plan relocates the playground within the design. Consultants will work with staff to ensure new location meets needs, standards, and master plan's vision. Once analysis is complete, the city will engage the community to collect feedback on desired features for playground.

  • Phase 1 Initiated

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    City Council approved Strachauer Park Master Plan at the July 18th City Council Meeting. This action allowed staff to initiate Phase 1 of the project. This funded phase includes a playground replacement and ADA access to a new play structure as laid out in the approved Master Plan. Staff will work with a consultant to gather a topographical survey and evaluate site conditions. The Consultant will also work with staff through the established playground replacement engagement process. This process is composed of three engagement points with neighborhood and community to help design amenities, playground theme, colors, and equipment concepts. The first round of surveys is expected to be posted on BTE this fall after information gathering from our consultant. Engagement and design will continue through fall and early winter. Staff anticipates playground removal and installation in the Spring of 2024 weather and supply dependent.

  • Documents Uploaded

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    Strachauer Park Phasing pdf and the Updated Concept Feedback with Staff Comments pdf have been uploaded on the righthand side.

  • City Council Approval

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    Strachauer Park Master Plan Concept will be presented to City Council at the July 18 meeting. Confluence received all of your feedback on the last concept design. This Master Plan Concept includes both short- and long-term improvements that will be phased over time. Currently, money has been designated in the Capital Improvement Plan for the new playground equipment, however, funding for other amenities and improvements will be allocated in the coming years. Having this Master Plan will enable the City to quickly address and update areas of the plan as funding becomes available. Staff will share the phases as well as comments to your feedback on this page prior to the City Council meeting.

  • Next Steps

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    Thank you to everyone that took time to review the preferred concept online and provide feedback. We have sent your feedback to Confluence for review/updates. City staff will respond to the questions you had and we will post that response report on this project page.

  • Phase 2 Concept Feedback

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    Phase 2 of the Concept Designs are viewable under the Concept Designs tab. Your feedback and input are important to us! We hope you take the time to review and comment on the new concept design and share your thoughts. Online comments will close April 23, 2023.

    Thanks for your time and participation in helping shape the future of Strachauer Park.

Page last updated: 15 Jul 2024, 08:13 AM