Public Hearings for Planning Applications

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Due to COVID-19 the Planning Commission and City Council will hold virtual meetings. This is a place where the Planning Commission and City Council will take and receive comments from the public on Planning related projects.

If you have any questions, please contact planning staff at 952-826-0369 or contact the Planner working on a specific project.

Due to COVID-19 the Planning Commission and City Council will hold virtual meetings. This is a place where the Planning Commission and City Council will take and receive comments from the public on Planning related projects.

If you have any questions, please contact planning staff at 952-826-0369 or contact the Planner working on a specific project.

Discussions: All (7) Open (0)
  • Public Hearing: 3917 W 50th Street, Sign Variances

    about 4 years ago
    Share Public Hearing: 3917 W 50th Street, Sign Variances on Facebook Share Public Hearing: 3917 W 50th Street, Sign Variances on Twitter Share Public Hearing: 3917 W 50th Street, Sign Variances on Linkedin Email Public Hearing: 3917 W 50th Street, Sign Variances link
    CLOSED: This variance request was approved at the December 9, 2020 Planning Commission meeting.

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

    The applicant is requesting sign variances to allow two fifteen foot signs on a wall of the building that is not a tenant wall the sign is advertising. The two proposed signs face West 50th Street and are for two tenants on the southside of the building, adjacent to a private walkway. 

    Applicant Submittal

    All comments are reviewed by the governing body to gain insight into community perspective and values. This information in addition to other factors like legal requirements, infrastructure needs, long-term strategy, cost, etc help inform the decision. The feedback collected is not considered a "vote". 

    Everyone has the right to share their opinions and comments on the related project. While individuals may have varying opinions, respect each person's experience and insight.

    Comments are considered part of the public record. When making a comment:

    1. provide your full name
    2. let us know your relation to the project (i.e. physical address, neighborhood, visit the area often, etc)
    3. respect the views of other participants even if they don't agree with you

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  • Public Hearing: 4528 France Avenue, Front Yard Setback Variance for ATM Canopy

    over 4 years ago
    Share Public Hearing: 4528 France Avenue, Front Yard Setback Variance for ATM Canopy on Facebook Share Public Hearing: 4528 France Avenue, Front Yard Setback Variance for ATM Canopy on Twitter Share Public Hearing: 4528 France Avenue, Front Yard Setback Variance for ATM Canopy on Linkedin Email Public Hearing: 4528 France Avenue, Front Yard Setback Variance for ATM Canopy link
    CLOSED: This item is on the July 22 Planning Commission agenda.

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    The applicant is requesting a 23.5-foot front yard setback variance to allow for a canopy structure with signage above an existing ATM and drive-up banking chute at Gateway Bank at 4528 France Avenue. 

    Applicant Submittal

    Aerial Map

    All comments are reviewed by the governing body to gain insight into community perspective and values. This information in addition to other factors like legal requirements, infrastructure needs, long-term strategy, cost, etc help inform the decision. The feedback collected is not considered a "vote". 

    Everyone has the right to share their opinions and comments on the related project. While individuals may have varying opinions, respect each person's experience and insight.

    Comments are considered part of the public record. When making a comment:

    1. provide your full name
    2. let us know your relation to the project (i.e. physical address, neighborhood, visit the area often, etc)
    3. respect the views of other participants even if they don't agree with you
    Replies Closed
  • Public Hearing: 5200 Doncaster Way, Cell Tower

    over 4 years ago
    Share Public Hearing: 5200 Doncaster Way, Cell Tower on Facebook Share Public Hearing: 5200 Doncaster Way, Cell Tower on Twitter Share Public Hearing: 5200 Doncaster Way, Cell Tower on Linkedin Email Public Hearing: 5200 Doncaster Way, Cell Tower link
    CLOSED: This item is on the June 16th City Council agenda.

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    The Planning Commission approved this variance request at the April 15, 2020 meeting. The decision was appealed to the City Council. The City Council public hearing date is June 2nd and the final decision meeting date is June 16th. 

    Applicant Appeal Submittal

    Additional Information from Applicant

    If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Assistant City Planner, Kris Aaker.

    Crown Castle USA, the applicant, is requesting a 170.1 foot setback variance from a south east lot line of 5200 Doncaster Way/Highlands Park, for a monopole cellular telecommunications antenna tower and park light standard replacement to allow for an additional service provider co-location. The proposed project includes replacement of the existing park light standard/monopole antenna and the addition of an equipment structure. 

    The existing light standard/antenna is approximately 59 feet tall and is located south east of the ice rink and northwest of the park building. The existing light standard/antenna will be replaced in the same location with a 75 foot tall monopole that will accommodate new ice rink lights, a relocation of the existing T-mobile array and the addition of a Verizon cellular service antenna. A new equipment structure will be located east of the park building with access provided by a bituminous walk. The utility structures conform to the ordinance requirements. 

    The required setback for the new monopole is based on height, with a 75 foot tall structure requiring a 300 foot setback from property adjacent that is residential. The proposed setback is 129.01 feet from the lot line adjacent to residential requiring a 170.1 foot setback variance. The subject site is city park property zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District. The proposed light standard and co-location pole replacement within Highlands Park are permitted uses within the R-1 zoning district.

    Applicant Submittal

    Aerial Map

    All comments are reviewed by the governing body to gain insight into community perspective and values. This information in addition to other factors like legal requirements, infrastructure needs, long-term strategy, cost, etc help inform the decision. The feedback collected is not considered a "vote". 

    Everyone has the right to share their opinions and comments on the related project. While individuals may have varying opinions, respect each person's experience and insight.

    Comments are considered part of the public record. When making a comment:

    1. provide your full name
    2. let us know your relation to the project (i.e. physical address, neighborhood, visit the area often, etc)
    3. respect the views of other participants even if they don't agree with you
    Replies Closed
  • 7425 York Terrace-Subdivision (Preliminary Plat)

    almost 5 years ago
    Share 7425 York Terrace-Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) on Facebook Share 7425 York Terrace-Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) on Twitter Share 7425 York Terrace-Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) on Linkedin Email 7425 York Terrace-Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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    A request for a subdivision (Preliminary Plat) at 7425 York Terrace to divide two existing lots into three. The

    existing homes on both lots would remain. The new home would be built in between the two existing homes at

    7425 and 7413 York Terrace. A request Lot area and depth variances are required for all three lots and lot width

    variances for lots 1 and 2.

    Applicant Submittal

    If you have questions regarding this project please contact Community Development Director, Cary Teague.

    All comments are reviewed by the governing body to gain insight into community perspective and values. This information in addition to other factors like legal requirements, infrastructure needs, long-term strategy, cost, etc help inform the decision. The feedback collected is not considered a "vote". 

    Everyone has the right to share their opinions and comments on the related project. While individuals may have varying opinions, respect each person's experience and insight.

    Comments are considered part of the public record. When making a comment:

    1. provide your full name
    2. let us know your relation to the project (i.e. physical address, neighborhood, visit the area often, etc)
    3. respect the views of other participants even if they don't agree with you

    If you have questions, please use the Q & A tool.

    Replies Closed
  • 4500 France Avenue-Parking Variance and Site Plan

    over 4 years ago
    Share 4500 France Avenue-Parking Variance and Site Plan on Facebook Share 4500 France Avenue-Parking Variance and Site Plan on Twitter Share 4500 France Avenue-Parking Variance and Site Plan on Linkedin Email 4500 France Avenue-Parking Variance and Site Plan link
    Outcome: This variance request was denied.

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    Resolution No. 2020-48

    Orion Investments is requesting a parking stall variance from 61 spaces required to 36 proposed, and an amendment to their approved final development plan (site plan) at 4500 France Avenue. The purpose of the request is to increase the seating capacity of the approved restaurant from 35 seats to 100 seats in the new development under construction. The applicant is proposing an alternative parking plan to utilize parking spaces located in nearby commercial parking lots in addition to the 36 spaces on their site.

    Updated Applicant Submittal-4/30/20

    This item will be heard by the Planning Commission on April 29th and City Council on May 5th. 

    Please contact Cary Teague, Community Development Director, with any questions regarding this project. 

    Applicant Submittal

    Replies Closed
  • Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances for Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West

    almost 5 years ago
    Share Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances for Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West on Facebook Share Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances for Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West on Twitter Share Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances for Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West on Linkedin Email Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Rezoning with Variances for Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West link
    CLOSED: This item was heard by the City Council on April 21st and was tabled. The item will be heard again on a future agenda.

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    Please visit the updated project page here

    Donnay Homes, Inc., on behalf of Elizabeth and Peter MacDonagh is proposing to redevelop the property at the corner of Hankerson Avenue and 52nd Street West. (5132 and 5136-48 Hankerson Avenue; See attached property location.) The proposal is to tear down the existing two-story four-unit apartment at 5136-48 Hankerson and the single-story single-family home at 5132 Hankerson, and build a 10-unit, two and a half-story row townhome. (See attached applicant narrative and plans.)   The two properties are currently zoned R-1, Single Dwelling Unit District; the four-unit apartment is an existing nonconforming use. The site is guided low density attached residential, which allows between 4-8 units per acre. The properties total .67 acres or 29,185 square feet in size. The existing density is 7.4 units per acre, which would fit the medium density range (5-12 units per acre). The proposed density would increase to 14.9 units per acre; therefore, this request would require a comprehensive plan amendment.   

    To accommodate the request the following is required:

    • A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to re-guide the site from low density attached to high density, which would allow the proposed 14.9 units per acre; and
    • A Rezoning from R-1, Single-Dwelling Unit District to PRD-3, Planned Residential District, Preliminary Site Plan with the following variances:
      • Front setback to 52nd Street from 35 feet to 12 feet.
      • Side setback from 35 feet to 12 feet.
      • Rear setback from 35 feet to 21 feet.
      • Building coverage variance from 30% to 47

    Applicant Submittal

    Please contact Cary Teague, Community Development Director, with any questions regarding this project. 

    Final Action on this project is taken by the City Council. 

    Replies Closed
  • Public Hearing: 4532 France Ave S, Site Plan Review and Parking Variance

    almost 5 years ago
    Share Public Hearing: 4532 France Ave S, Site Plan Review and Parking Variance on Facebook Share Public Hearing: 4532 France Ave S, Site Plan Review and Parking Variance on Twitter Share Public Hearing: 4532 France Ave S, Site Plan Review and Parking Variance on Linkedin Email Public Hearing: 4532 France Ave S, Site Plan Review and Parking Variance link
    Outcome: This public hearing is is closed. The variance was approved at the May 5, 2020 City Council meeting.

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    The property owner, Casey Carl, has submitted a site plan review and a parking stall variance from 18 spaces to 11 spaces at 4532 France Ave South. The subject property was redeveloped in 2018; City approvals at that time included a rezoning from R-1, Low Density Residential to PCD-1, Planned Commercial District, and parking stall variance to allow 11 parking stalls instead of the 15 required by code. 

    The applicant is now proposing to remodel 540 square feet of lower level storage space into office space.  The additional 540 square feet of office space would require an addition 4 parking stalls; which therefore requires a new variance from 18 stalls required to 11. 

    Please contact Cary Teague, Community Development Director, with any questions regarding this project. 

    Applicant Submittal

    Parking Study

    Please contact Cary Teague, Community Development Director, with any questions regarding this project. 

    Final Action on this project is taken by the City Council.

    Replies Closed
Page published: 02 Apr 2020, 08:35 AM